How Titan Poker Compares With Other Internet Poker Rooms


The majority of people that are intrigued by the prospect of getting involved in internet poker will be familiar with Titan Poker and the Titan Poker bonus code. The problem that some people encounter is that it's difficult to choose from the many different poker networks and bonus offers on the market.
This difficulty might especially concern beginners, who may not be conversant in the vocabulary of poker. In such cases, some extra guidance is required, which I will provide in this article.
In order to understand the various online poker networks and poker bonus offers, beginners would be well advised to refer to an internet networks bonus website. Here they can find independent reviews about internet networks and also their poker bonus offers, such as the following overview of Titan Poker online network and the Titan Poker bonus.
Titan Poker is part of Playtech Limited, an online gaming provider that supplies a variety of different software options for online casinos and online poker rooms.
The Titan Poker network is the third biggest collection of online poker rooms in the whole world. The company is estimated to have a market value of over half a billion pounds.
Titan Poker is very well designed and thought out. The welcome page does not appear confusing to the eye, which is one of the main reasons why potential new customers will click away from a site before they have even investigated it.
Potential new customers can enjoy a Titan Poker bonus of up to $500 in free chips based around an initial deposit. This is not the biggest free offer out of all online poker websites but it is competitive and conforms to the website's serious reputation.
A Titan Poker Bonus code may be required in order to qualify for the bonus. If this is the case, this code can be obtained from a poker bonus website. It is always advisable to check such a website before joining an online poker network, to be certain that you have all the necessary codes required to qualify for bonus offers.
Customers can easily download a desktop client to play Titan Poker. This desktop client is compatible with most Microsoft Windows and Apple Mac operating systems. The graphics are good, the game engine loads quickly and it's easy to sign in without having to open up an internet browser.
For any really inexperienced poker players there is a very useful tutorial option This explains the basic concepts of poker as well as the different games that can be played. The tutorial also offers a glimpse of what the graphics are like. The website does very well to help new customers along.
There is also a poker tips section on Titan Poker that explains a lot of useful information that will stop a customer betting ignorantly. This is very good because it stops new customers from building up larger than necessary losses during their early days with the website.
Titan Poker constantly displays the number of active players online as well as the number of active tables. This will show new and experienced customers when there is more money and subsequently more value floating around inside the website.
The support page is very thorough and provides e-mail addresses and telephone numbers for customers to contact Titan's support team if they have a problem. This information is widely displayed and is not difficult to find. This should help potential new customers feel comfortable.
User controls are similar to what can be found with any top online poker website. Titan allows customers to have a lot of control of what goes into and comes out of their accounts. Limits can be put in place to stop huge debts from being accumulated as a result of playing poker through the website.
The regular messages and warnings about responsible gambling are provided at the base of the page at all times. There are also links for customers to use if they believe they are developing a gambling problem.
There is also an option for customers to put a personal touch on their accounts with a picture that will be displayed whenever they sit at an online Titan Poker table. This isn't something that is found on all top poker websites, and it can be a fun and useful feature which players appreciate.

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Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.